About Us

DAP is a family business with a great international projection that offers hunters from all over the world the possibility of enjoying a unique and unforgettable experience through a guided safari of large and small game, without intermediaries or third parties involved, where not only not consider the success of the hunt but long-term relationships.


With a history of more than 35 years in the hunting market, we are pioneers in the organization and execution of hunting safaris.

Always at the forefront, innovating and adapting our product / service to the continuous demands of the market, constantly evolving and offering our clients a 100% satisfactory hunting experience, always taking care of every detail, with personalized attention 24 hours a day, we want each hunter to around the world get to know this paradise by nature that is Argentina.

And we have more reasons to hunt with D.A.P.:


We are a direct company

Because we are a direct company with personal representation in almost the entire world, leaving intermediaries or third parties aside.


Because we were and are hunters

Because before being hunting organizers, we were hunters and we know first-hand their needs, in this way we adapt our hunting programs and options to the taste and needs of each hunter.


We offer solutions to experts and novices

We can offer solutions to the most demanding client as well as to the hunter who plans to carry out his hunting safari in Argentina for the only time in his life.


Personalized attention from the moment you arrive

Our attention is personalized and not only begins from the moment the plane lands in the country, but we always accompany each client with procedures and meticulous organization of every detail.


Program Customization

We can customize our programs so much to the needs of each hunter that we offer the possibility that they can receive their trophies in their country once their taxidermy is finished and ready to be placed on the wall.


Cuando uno decide salir de su país como lo hicimos nosotros, lo primero que se busca es que sea de confianza. Nuestro sueño era ir de caza a Argentina y hemos tenido la gran suerte de conocer a la familia de DAP Placenti en la feria internacional de caza Cinegética que se realiza todos los años en Madrid España, la cual ha hecho que nos sintamos como en casa. ¡Cazar es una afición para nosotros, pero nos hemos venido tan encantados a España que volveremos pronto seguro! Con ganas de volver a veros y disfrutar del gran país que tenéis y la gran pasión que nos une.

Jesús y Blanca

Madrid, España 🇪🇸

 Hello everyone, I have hunted in several continents in the world, and I have the pleasure of giving my testimonial on the hunt we experienced last April during the 2022 rut of red stag in Argentina. Daniel Placenti and his sons were very accommodating, helped one on one to each one of the hunters and took us to the point that we all were successful at bagging at least one of them, and in several cases more than one beautiful red stag. There is no shortage of big hogs either. Accommodations are great and the team the have put together is a great one. I recommend DAP Caza en Argentina to anyone who has never hunted a red stag or who wants to repeat one of the best experiences in a lifetime. Thank you to Franco and his family for making this experience possible; after planing it for several years and the Pandemia getting in the way, this was the best that any hunter could ask for.

Jaime Rueda Ramírez

Colombia 🇨🇴

Cualquier aficionado al fútbol sabe que Messi es un número 1 indiscutible al igual que la selección argentina campeona del mundo. El fútbol es una pasión., al igual que la caza en Argentina., una forma de entender la vida con pasión., ilusión., compromiso y seriedad. Si hay un nombre que suena por todas esas cualidades en Argentina ese es sin duda DAP Placenti, tuve la suerte de realizar un safari de caza de tórtolas y la verdad que todo fue a la perfección, el servicio, la hospitalidad, el trato inmejorable de Daniel, Franco y Jonathan, esperando repetir próximamente… ¡La familia Placenti hace sin duda tus sueños realidad! No lo duden.

David Ruiz

Madrid, España 🇪🇸


And discover how to live a unique and unforgettable experience through a Guided Big Game and Small Game Safari, without intermediaries or third parties involved.